Hyperledger Cello can build up a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) platform quickly from the scratch.Provides UI for add/delete hosts, create chain, view active chains, in used chains.Cello should be deployed on multiple servers, at least 1 Master Node and 1 Worker Node.It gives instance response even with hundreds of chains or nodes.
- We need two machines one is master node and other is worker node.
- Both machines must have docker version is 17.09 or greater and docker compose version is 1.12.0 or greater.
- Clone hyperledger cello code from github on both nodes using command $ git clone http://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/cello && cd cello
- In master node, run the command $ make setup-master To setup the master for the first time running. To start whole services $ make start
- Now you can access the localhost port 8080 it will tend to cello login page the default username and password are admin, pass.Then cello dashboard will be displayed.
- To check the logs of cello, open a new terminal and type $ make logs.
- In worker node, keep docker daemon in running with following commands.$ sudo systemctl stop docker.service $ sudo dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --api-cors-header='*' --default-ulimit=nofile=8192:16384 --default-ulimit=nproc=8192:16384 -D &
- Now to check whether worker node is added, in master node check docker info with worker node IP address.$ docker -H Worker_Node_IP:2375 info
- Then open a new terminal in worker node and run make setup master.$ make setup worker
- Then open cello dashboard in master node, click on Hosts,then click on add a host. Give name and Ip address of worker node which we have setup now, fill out all the fields and add a host.we can delete and add a chain in worker node.